Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Artist Lecture: Ann Weber

Ann Weber with Almost 16 and 15 and 1/2,  2006,  cardboard, staples, polyurethane,
steel bases

Ann Weber answering questions
Weber is most well known for her work with cardboard, though she did not start out as a sculptor of this commonplace material. She was born in 1950 in Michigan and eventually traveled around the country for school and trying to find her niche as an artist. She originally started out as an Art History major but eventually moved towards studio art. During this discussion Weber openly discussed her hardships as an art student and her struggles though out her life to figure out what she really wanted to do in with art. I enjoyed her great sense of humor and ability to talk about having to overcome difficult situations in her life. Weber talked about her teacher in California named Viola Frey who was a huge inspiration to her as a graduate student. She admired Frey’s dedication to her art. Though while in school she stayed committed to clay once she graduated she decided to switched mediums, moving from clay to plaster and eventually finding her signature medium, cardboard.

Ann Weber preparing to start the discussion

Cardboard Furniture by Frank Gehry
Frank Gehry and his creations of cardboard furniture initially influenced Weber. These works helped her experiment with cardboard an eventually fall in love with the medium. During her talk she shared many stories, which I felt helped students understand that everyone goes through tough times and all that matters is that you have to keep fighting if being an artist is really what you want to do. One story she told that really showed her resilience was about a studio she rented that burned down in a freak accident, not only was the building lost but also ten years of artwork she had produced. After this devastating event she decided to keep moving forward as an artist and eventually she became stronger because of it. She has done several public works all over the world and even one here in Sacramento at the Capitol Area East End Complex.

Audience for Ann Weber's artist lecture
Weber, during the talk was also very open about explaining here art making process and why she loved cardboard so much. She talked about the materials lightweight property making it a wonderful medium to explore large works with because it could still be light enough to move. She laughingly told stories of dumpster diving to find used cardboard for her work, and traveling to places like Germany where digging through the trash was unheard of. I really enjoyed this lecture simply because of the wonderful attitude Ann Weber has person in general and even more so as an artist. She was very inspirational and ended by telling the young artist in the room to look at what was around them and to show their life experiences through their work.

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